Beginning on July 1, I will offer a Sermon Series that I have entitled "Joy in July." We will explore the nuances of joy by looking at joy in praise, thanksgiving, others, variety, and in fun. God does not intend for us to be grumpy Christians, but rather people filled with the joy of the Lord that is everlasting.
Is joy something that is only for the young or those who are in denial of the troubles of life? Certainly, there is not much greater joy than to hear children laughing with glee, enjoying oftentimes the simple things of life. The Christian faith asserts that joy is part of the Christian experience of all ages. It is not just for the young or for those who are hiding their heads in the sand. Joy is described as the fruit of the Spirit of God at work in our lives in Galatians 5. The Psalms speak again and again of joy that comes from praising God. The Apostle Paul is able to encourage believers to rejoice in the Lord while he is imprisoned for his faith, as he writes to the church at Philippi.
Beginning on July 1, I will offer a Sermon Series that I have entitled "Joy in July." We will explore the nuances of joy by looking at joy in praise, thanksgiving, others, variety, and in fun. God does not intend for us to be grumpy Christians, but rather people filled with the joy of the Lord that is everlasting.
We see a world, these days, that thinks the answer to life’s problems is to end it all. With the American fashion designer Kate Spade and Celebrity chef and TV personality Anthony Bourdain making the news over committing suicide, it gives us a reason to pause and see where we’re headed in our society and what can we do to help. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain and the countless others who have chosen to commit suicide leave behind grieving friends and family members, who wanted them to live.
There are warning signs according to The American Society of Suicidology, spelled out through an acronym, Is Path Warm: I Ideation, thinking about it, talking about it S Substance Abuse—alcohol, drugs P Purposelessness A Anxiety T Trapped H Hopelessness W Withdrawal from people, usual activities A Anger R Recklessness M Mood changes Family and friends can call 911, if someone seems suicidal. The suicidal person can be taken to the Emergency Room. Call the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK. A suicidal person needs professional psychological help and may need to be hospitalized for a while. Please don’t let pride stand in the way of getting the needed help. Faith and trust that God is always with us to comfort us and guide us help us to cope with life’s struggles and tragedies. Refusing to give in to isolation by seeking the help of family, friends and a church family is also an added source of strength. God cares and others care what is going on in our lives. The temperatures of summer have arrived! It has already reached 100 degrees! It looks like Central Texas is in for a hot summer! Along with hot temperatures comes the dismissal of the normal school year! Children often look for something fun to do during the long, hot days of summer.
If your child, grandchild, great grandchild or neighbor is one of those children looking for a time of adventure and learning this summer, our church invites them to join us for Vacation Bible School! It begins this Sunday, June 10 at 5:00 PM with a snack supper. Each evening includes a puppet show, Bible story, crafts, music and science experiment. The theme is Rolling River Rampage (to help everyone cool off!) and the theme Bible verse is from Isaiah 43:2, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you." The evening ends at 8:00 PM and is for children ages 3 year olds through those who have just completed 5th grade. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday follow the same schedule; however, on Wednesday evening, the program begins at 6:00 PM with a presentation by the children of songs they have learned during the week, followed by a "campout" with hotdogs and chips. Sunday, June 17, children are invited to share their music during worship on Father's Day at worship at 10:45 AM. The church is located at 305 W. Monroe in Kosse, facing Highway 14. |
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