Christmas is almost here! We have been preparing the way for Christmas through our Advent wreaths, Advent Sundays of worship, decorations, mailing of Christmas cards, purchasing Christmas gifts, singing of Christmas carols, maybe even by going the extra mile and sharing additional gifts to those in need. Most importantly, we prepare our hearts so that the Christ Child may be born anew in our lives, in our world that so sorely needs Him. First United Methodist Church in Kosse celebrates Jesus' birthday with a Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Service at 6:30 PM and we would love to have you celebrate with us. The Sunday following Christmas, December 27 at the regular 10:45 service, we will be holding a Service of Lessons and Carols, where we sing many Christmas carols, along with hearing the story of salvation that Jesus offers. The first Sunday of 2016, we begin the year dedicating ourselves to God through a Covenant Service at morning worship.
I close by sharing a poem written by Ann Weems that points to the hope that Christ's coming brings:
I close by sharing a poem written by Ann Weems that points to the hope that Christ's coming brings:
Into This Silent Night
Into this silent night
As we make our weary way
We know not where;
Just when the night becomes its darkest
And we cannot see our path;
Just then is when the angels rush in,
Their hands full of stars.
Into this silent night
As we make our weary way
We know not where;
Just when the night becomes its darkest
And we cannot see our path;
Just then is when the angels rush in,
Their hands full of stars.